A diligent, determined and persevering researcher Dr. Y.D.Phadke has contributed for further generations, the valuable analysis of social and political history of Maharashtra. In order to continue this tradition of contributing to the ideological wealth of Maharashtra, the trust has started Prof. Y.D.Phadke Progressive Research Centre since 2008. Maharashtra has a tradition of movements in social transformation and also a legacy of thought in political debate. The centre selects few competent persons from Maharashtra state, who will further this inheritance and tradition of thought in social and political debate. The Centre allocates scholarship and other assistance and encouragement in preparing research documents on several important subjects.
It is decided to publish every year few books worth reference value and compilation. Several research projects are being worked out in this direction. A scholarship for research is awarded every year in memory of Late progressive researcher and Satyashodhak activist Manoher Kadam, specially to virtuous activist from among the oppressed class.
The Centre has published its first book on research by Shri Mahesh Sarlashkar on the subject of farmers, consumer and inflations “SHETKARI GRAHAK ANI MAHAGAICHA TYIRASHIK”.
The Madhav Sathe Documentation Centre is established under the auspicious of this research centre in memory of leading activist in socialist movement. The reference material is being compiled on subjects like Naxalism, Maoism, Terrorism, Inflation, Reservations etc.
Time – Monday to Friday noon 12.00 to Evening 6.00 |